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security protection [4000条. 页码 106/200]    

[AE] [775279] 阿联酋求购听力保护耳塞,安全头盔(Hearing Protection Earplugs, Safety Helmets) (08-13)
  We are looking for manufatcurer ( only manufacturer) of personal protective equipment like hearing protection (earmuffs & earplugs), fall protection, safety helmets & in Slovekia. Regards Mr. Kamr...
相关买家: 安全头盔; Hearing Protection Earplugs; Safety Helmets; 听力保护耳塞;
[SY] [774630] 叙利亚求购保安系统(Security Systems) (08-05)
  We are a large technology integrator in Syria serving Syria, Jordan and Lebanon. Our sister company in UAE serves the GCC countries. We are looking for a good quality Korean manufacturer of complete s...
相关买家: 保安系统; Security Systems;
[SY] [774246] 叙利亚求购保险箱(Safe Box) (07-29)
  Our company in Syria is looking for a relaible exporter/manufactory of safe box from Turkey. Regards Riad Hourieh
相关买家: 保险箱; Safe Box;
[PW] [774220] 帕劳求购游泳池纤维增强塑料格子(Swimming Pool Fiber Reinforced Plastic Grating) (07-29)
  We are looking for swimming pool fiber reinforced plastic grating. Regards Tiburcio G. Pasca Jr.
相关买家: Swimming Pool Fiber Reinforced Plastic Grating; 塑料格子;
[IN] [773926] 印度求购防弹背心(Bullet Proof Vests) (07-24)
  Dear Sir, Please can you send us the specification details and the price list of the bullet proof vests and the price list of your products.
相关买家: Bullet Proof Vests; 防弹背心;
[BD] [773380] 孟加拉求购安全监控设备(Security & Surveillance Equipment) (07-09)
  We like to import security & surveillance equipment. Please contact us with prices and details.
相关买家: 安全监控设备; Security; Surveillance Equipment;
[TH] [773278] 泰国求购防盗自动警铃(Burglar Alarm/Intruder System) (07-08)
  We are construction company looking for burglar alarm/intruder system to fulfill in our housing project and also distribute to Thail Local market. We would like to contact directly to manufacturer. ...
相关买家: Burglar Alarm; 防盗自动警铃; Intruder System;
[PK] [773199] 巴基斯坦求购安全卡(security cards) (07-06)
  I hope this mail of mine will find you fine health and great spirit. Well this is to inform you that we are an organisation in Pakistan doing business in the feild of Printing and publishing. Most rec...
相关买家: 安全卡; security cards;
[TH] [772015] 泰国求购安全门设备(Door Security Equipments) (06-17)
  I am the owner of many medium condominium projects in Bangkok. I would like to order a bulk door security equipment for customers. Regards Mrs Lek
相关买家: 安全门设备; Door Security Equipments;
[TW] [771351] 台湾求购门锁(]lock) (06-10)
  [105Canton Fair]lock i want to buy lock in Security & Protection>>Locks
相关买家: lock; 门锁;
[BD] [771286] 孟加拉国求购锁机(Padlock Machine) (06-10)
  Looking for Import Iron Padlock Machine We are keen interested to establish an Iron padlock factory at Bangladeshi Business Commodity. We need Padlock manufacturing machinery and total production so...
相关买家: Padlock Machine; 锁机;
[NZ] [771115] 新西兰求购防火线(fireline) (06-09)
  Berkley fireline I require pricing to New Zealand for berkley fireline braid
相关买家: 防火线; fireline;
[TR] [770717] 土耳其求购车钥匙(CAR KEYS) (06-05)
  OPEL ASTRA H SERIES CAR KEYS WANTED Dear All I need Opel Astra car keys urgently.I need good prices for 1000 pc. Regards
[SA] [770645] 沙特求购武器(H&K weapons) (06-05)
  Carrying Slings For H&K weapons 50000 pcs required of the H&k's MP5 and G3 carruing sling
相关买家: H&K weapons; 武器;
[IN] [770409] 印度求购消防(Photoluminescent Fire) (06-03)
  Photoluminescent Fire Safety Signs Photoluminescent Fire Safety Signs for escape route plan size A4
相关买家: Photoluminescent Fire; 消防;
[IN] [769745] 印度求购丁基手套(Butyl Glove) (05-30)
  We need Glove for use in Laboratory Glove Box / Chamber. Butyl Glove 32" length and 8" cuff black colour 50 mil --- 3pairs Neoprene Glove 32" length and 8" cuff black colour 50 mil --- 1pair. Pleas...
相关买家: Butyl Glove; 手套;
[BJ] [769636] 贝宁求购安全设备(Security & Protection) (05-27)
  Security & Protection Products SUPPLIERS REQUIRED URGENTLY We are urgently searching for a contractor or supplier who would be able to supply as soon as possible the following products: 1. Damas...
相关买家: 安全设备; Protection; Security;
[SG] [769622] 新加坡求购三星门锁(Samsung Door Lock) (05-27)
  Interested to import samsung door lock.
相关买家: 三星门锁; Samsung Door Lock;
[BG] [769542] 保加利亚求购阻燃剂(EPS Granules - Flame Retardant Type) (05-26)
  We are looking for Korean manufacturers of EPS granules flame retardant type for thermo isolation production.
相关买家: EPS Granules - Flame Retardant Type; 阻燃剂;
[BD] [769183] 孟加拉求购螺栓、门锁(Screw Bolt & Door Lock) (05-22)
  We are interested to import the following items. Please send us details: 1. Screw bolt 2. Door lock (Manual) Waiting for your response Thanks
相关买家: Door Lock; 螺栓; 门锁; Screw Bolt;
页码: 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116
[1-20] [21-40] [41-60] [61-80] [81-100] [101-120] [121-140] [141-160] [161-180] [181-200]
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