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Transportation / Facilities [4000条. 页码 189/200]    

[PK] [639004] 巴基斯坦求购铁轨设备(Railway Track Equipment And Batteries) (02-12)
  We are looking for manufacturers of Railway Track Equipment for 100RE and 90 lbs Rails, like insulated rail joints/fish plates and other track accessories. We are also interested in Lead Acid flooded ...
相关买家: Railway Track; 铁轨;
[UY] [638816] 乌拉圭客户求购卡车轮胎(truck tyre) (02-11)
  Dear Sirs/Madam, We are one truck factory in Uruguay.Now we want to import truck tyre from China. If you have good price, pls quote us. Thanks and best regards!
相关买家: 卡车轮胎; 轮胎; truck tyre;
[SE] [638722] 瑞典求购船,滑板车(Boats, Waterscooters And Equipment) (02-10)
  We are looking for interesting sea-related items to sell at our marine-center (on the swedish westcoast) and on our webbased shop. For example smaller open boats, motor yachts, jetboats, waterscooters...
相关买家: Boats; ; 滑板车; Waterscooters;
[UK] [638713] 英国求购日本车(makes of Japanese Cars) (02-10)
  Importer of all makes of Japanese Cars (especially Sports & 4WD) for the UK market.
相关买家: Japanese Cars; 日本车;
[US] [638704] 美国求购马车(hitches and quality all-steel horse) (02-10)
  Distributors of durable hitches like the patented B & W turnover ball gooseneck hitch and quality all-steel horse, stock and flatbed trailers by Titan.
相关买家: hitches and quality all-steel horse; 马车;
[PH] [638693] 菲律宾求购车辆(Hyundai vehicles ) (02-10)
  Importer of Hyundai vehicles in the Philippines
相关买家: 车辆; Hyundai vehicles;
[AU] [638686] 澳大利亚求购铝(Aluminium Boat Manufacturer) (02-10)
  Australian Pontoon Boat manufacturer wishes to partner with Chinese Aluminium and FPR boat builder to construct American type Pontoon Boats
相关买家: Aluminium; ;
[BD] [638660] 孟加拉国求购油船(oil tanker) (02-10)
  We are interested for 30,000 tons - Up oil tanker / Cargo ship for scraping. interested supplier please contact us by mail with detail specifications, price in US$ C&F Chittagong PMT basis for our i...
相关买家: oil tanker; 油船;
[BD] [638540] 孟加拉求购卡车(Truck Mounted Bulk Cement Container) (02-10)
  We are looking for two numbers of truck mounted bulk cement carrier of 25 to 30 MT capacity each
相关买家: 卡车; Truck;
[HK] [638404] 香港求购GPS导航系统(GPS navigation system) (02-09)
  We are looking for GPS navigation system.We have 5k order every quarterly.Would you send us your detail spec.and the leatime please.Thank you very much.
相关买家: GPS导航系统; GPS navigation system;
[LK] [637892] 斯里兰卡求购拖拉机,卡车及配件(Automobile Vehicles/Construction Equipments ) (02-05)
  We wish to state that we are one of the leading importers in Sri Lanka for New & Used Automobile Vehicles/Construction Equipments And Spare Parts for same. Please contact us all details. We export M...
相关买家: Automobile; 卡车; 拖拉机;
[KR] [636611] 韩国求购货轮(Bulk Carrier ) (01-19)
  Bulk carrier 30000dwt, for coal cargo - ship wanted Please refer to ; (cut n paste to your browser to see this offer! ) Please visit and post your offers in free regarding container ships, flo...
相关买家: Bulk Carrier; 货轮;
[BE] [636579] 比利时求购车轮(alloy wheels) (01-19)
  Buy alloy wheels
相关买家: alloy wheels; 车轮;
[KR] [636255] 韩国求购船只(Gearless Gen Cargo Ship 3000 Dwt) (01-18)
  Gearless gen cargo ship 3000 dwt - ship wanted
相关买家: 船只; Ship;
[MR] [636057] 毛里塔尼亚求购铁路枕木(Wooden railway sleepers) (01-18)
  Dear sir, we are loking for new wooden railway leepers (railroad ties).pls send me catalogue and price list with mini order.
相关买家: railroad ties; 铁路枕木; Wooden railway sleepers; 枕木;
[LY] [635979] 利比亚求购合金轮子(alloy wheel) (01-18)
  IAM LOOKING FOR ALLOY WHEELS SUPPLIERS IN CHINA AND IN TAIWAN alloy wheel's 13" 14" 15" 16" and 15" 4x4 So can you supply me by models you have and price list and be know that iam hole saler of a...
[IR] [635822] 伊朗求购车轮(Buy Wheels, Wheel Set, Monoblock Wheels) (01-17)
  We require: Wheel, wheel set, monoblock wheel, bogie, tyre, coupling, air conditioner sptare parts, etc
[MY] [635018] 马来西亚求购自行车(Pocket Bikes) (01-16)
  Dear Sirs, we are a importer of bikes in Malaysia.We are looking for pocket bikes and other bikes. If you are on the line, pls contract us. We will send you our details. And pls send us your informati...
[GR] [634825] 希腊求购着陆装置(UNDERCARRIAGE SYSTEMS) (01-14)
  We are interested in 86 pcs of 9W2738 27" track shoes to be delivered immediately.
[CA] [634815] 加拿大求购电动车(electric bicycle components) (01-14)
  Enquiry types: electric vehicle batteries, lithium ion batteries, electric bicycle components, Crystalyte Hub Motor-- Sole Distributor for North America.
页码: 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199
[1-20] [21-40] [41-60] [61-80] [81-100] [101-120] [121-140] [141-160] [161-180] [181-200]
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