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communication / cell phone [4000条. 页码 160/200]    

[ID] [960713] 印尼求购光纤类产品(fiber optic equipments) (06-12)
  Hi,we are looking for the suppliers in China for the fiber optic equipments.If you are the factory,contact us soon.
相关买家: 光纤;
[ID] [960111] 印尼求购光纤类产品(fiber optic equipments) (05-31)
  hi,send me your catalog of all of your fiber optic equipments.thanks
相关买家: 光纤产品; fiber optic equipments;
[HK] [960110] 中国香港求购阿尔卡特SFP模块(ALCATEL SFP MODULE) (05-31)
  hi,morning,you have the Alcatel SFP module? or you can provide the one which can be compatible with that. thanks
相关买家: SFP模块;
[TJ] [960109] 塔吉克斯坦求购网络线机柜(network cabinet) (05-31)
  please send the datasheet with price lists about all of your network cabinets.
相关买家: 网络线机柜; network cabinet;
[IN] [960108] 印度求购FC 衰减器(FC fiber attenuator) (05-31)
  hi,dear,give me your best price about the 3dB fiber fc attenuator
相关买家: FC衰减器; FC fiber attenuator;
[AE] [960107] 阿联酋求购RS232光端机(RS232 fiber optic converter) (05-31)
  hi,what is the price about your RS232 fiber optic converter?
相关买家: RS232光端机;
[PL] [960106] 波兰求购菲尼萨SFP 模块(Finisar SFP Transceivers) (05-31)
  Hi,can you provide the original finisar sfp transceivers? if so,what is the price?
相关买家: SFP块;
[AE] [960104] 阿联酋求购以太网交换机(ethernet fiber switch) (05-31)
  do you have the ethernet fiber switch?we need 150 piecs for our new buildings.
相关买家: 以太网交换机; ethernet fiber switch;
[TR] [960103] 土耳其求购收发器(fiber media converters) (05-31)
  Hi, could you send me your price about the 100M & 1000M fiber media converters? Muharrem BICAK
相关买家: 收发器; fiber media converters;
[CO] [960102] 哥伦比亚求购以太网无源光网络产品(EPON Products) (05-31)
  Hi, Could you send me more details about your EPON PRODUCTS? Thanks a lot.
[PH] [960099] 菲律宾求购适配器(FC 适配器) (05-31)
  Hi,we get to know that you are the factory for the fiber optics.Do you also make the fiber optic adapters?we need that.
相关买家: 适配器;
[US] [960096] 美国求购跳线和模块(fiber patch cords and modules) (05-31)
  Hi damon,are you the manufacture of the fiber patch cords and modules?we only deal with the factory
相关买家: 跳线;
[IN] [959939] 印度求购手机套(mobile phone cases) (05-26)
  we need mobile phone cases
相关买家: 手机套; mobile phone cases;
[KE] [959938] 肯尼亚求购手机(mobile phone) (05-26)
  We need order Precision Metal, mobile phone
相关买家: 手机; mobile phone;
[US] [959937] 美国求购光纤分配器(Fiber Optic Distribution Frame) (05-26)
  hi,we are looking for the fiber optic distribution frame, quantity 50pcs for FTTH project
相关买家: 光纤分配器;
[US] [959683] 美国求购有源光纤产品(active fiber optic equipments) (05-20)
  hi,let me know if you have the active fiber optic equipments.Send me by email about your catalog.
相关买家: 有源光纤产品; active fiber optic equipments;
[US] [959682] 美国求购st光纤尾纤(st fiber pigtails) (05-20)
相关买家: st光纤尾纤; st fiber pigtails;
[CA] [959681] 加拿大求购以太网光纤收发器(Ethernet fiber media converter) (05-20)
  Hi, Good evening. Thanks for the call. We are the distributor here about the ethernet fiber media converters. So do you mind sending us your catalog with price list? Thanks. Stephen
相关买家: 以太网光纤收发器; Ethernet fiber media converter;
[US] [959680] 美国求购8口单层交换机(8 ports single layer fiber switch) (05-20)
  hi,damon,you have the 8 ports fiber switch,only one layer.if yes,what is the price?
相关买家: 8口单层交换机;
[AU] [959679] 澳大利亚求购12口交换机(12 ports fiber switch) (05-20)
  Hi, we are looking for the 12 ports fiber switch.It is just one layer,do not need the 2 layers. What's the price and datasheet. Thanks. Brad
相关买家: 12口交换机; 12 ports fiber switch;
页码: 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170
[1-20] [21-40] [41-60] [61-80] [81-100] [101-120] [121-140] [141-160] [161-180] [181-200]
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