Global Buyer Inquiry |
1263522 [RO]
罗马尼亚求购家具(Furniture quotation - European Market) |
First of all, congratulations on your work, and the beautiful products you succeeded in producing!
I am a nature lover committed to bringing sustainability in every area of my life and inspiring as many people as possible to embrace sustainability in their own lives.
Consequently, I would like to open an online store where people can buy sustainable home products.
I am thinking of focusing mostly on low/ medium-price products (till the website starts to grow) - decorations, small products, and kitchen products and in consequence, I would like you to ask the following questions:
Could you provide a portfolio with all your current available products?
Could you tell me the details of the transportation? How much does it approximately take (in terms of time) and cost to transport the goods to Romania (Europe)? We have a maritime port here- Constanta.
How long does it take to have the goods starting when we place the order?
In terms of quantity, we would like to start small, so we are thinking about a range of 0-10/ 10-20 products to grow it soon. I would appreciate to receive the prices for these volumes.
Are there any special conditions we should consider before starting our collaboration?
Thank you!
Looking forward to receiving your offer!
Post date 12-23, value member points ?