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communication / cell phone [4000条. 页码 119/200]    

[OM] [966879] 阿曼求购CAT5E, CAT6, CAT6A, CAT7网络线(CAT5E, CAT6, CAT6A, CAT7 Cables) (11-30)
  CAT5E, CAT6, CAT6A, CAT7 lan cables. samples for test before order.
相关买家: 网络线;
[OM] [966878] 阿曼求购数据线(data cables) (11-30)
  let me know all kinds of your data cables such as hdmi,usb,lightning cables and so on.
相关买家: 数据线; data cables;
[OM] [966877] 阿曼求购通信网络线(telecom network cable) (11-30)
  good afternoon, i'm very interested in your telecom utp network cable. can you quote for 200 boxes?
相关买家: 通信网络线; telecom network cable;
[OM] [966876] 阿曼求购超五类网络线(cat5e lan cables) (11-29)
  how much for one box cat5e lan cables?
相关买家: 超五类网络线; cat5e lan cables;
[OM] [966875] 阿曼求购网络线(lan cables) (11-29)
  hi thanks for your email. you can produce both cat5e & cat6 lan cables? how about the price for one roll? thanks. shaik
相关买家: 网络线; lan cables;
[US] [966825] 美国求购3dB FC衰减器(3dB FC attenuator) (11-29)
  hi damon,is that your 3dB FC attenuator still the same price:2.8USD/PCS?
相关买家: FC衰减器;
[TH] [966824] 泰国求购ST尾纤单模 1.5米(ST - Pigtail 9/125um (SM.) Simplex, Length 1.5 Meter) (11-29)
  please check the prices as follows: 1)10/100M Media Converter,single mode,dual fiber 12USD/PCS 2)10/100/1000M Media Converter,multi mode,dual fiber ...
相关买家: ST尾纤单模;
[IR] [966823] 伊朗求购百兆收发器 双工 2千米(10/100M Media Converter,MM,Dual fiber,2km) (11-28)
  Dear Mojtaba, Good day! Thanks for your kind reply. Accoring to your requirements,here I have put up some media converter types for your references : 1)10/100M Media Converter,MM,Dual fiber,...
相关买家: 百兆收发器;
[US] [966822] 美国求购光纤配线箱(fiber distribution boxes) (11-28)
  any pictures of all your fiber distribution boxes?
相关买家: 光纤配线箱; fiber distribution boxes;
[AU] [966821] 澳大利亚求购模块和跳线(fiber patch cords and modules) (11-28)
  hello, good morning. how many production lines of the fiber modules and patch cords? we might visit your factory if convenient. thanks.
相关买家: 跳线;
[AU] [966820] 澳大俩亚求购光纤跳线(fiber patch cords) (11-28)
  hi, yes,we do purchase a lot about the fiber patch cords every month from China. where is your company? we will visit Shanghai next month. thanks
相关买家: 光纤跳线; fiber patch cords;
[AU] [966819] 澳大利亚求购LC-FC5米跳线(LC-FC fiber optic patch cord,5meters) (11-28)
  we are the reseller of fiber optics. now we need 1000 pieces LC-FC fiber optic patch cord,5meters. the one who can provide them within 3days please contact us asap.
[AU] [966818] 澳大利亚求购32口光纤交换机(32 ports fiber switch) (11-28)
  how many layers about your 32 ports fiber switch? we need the 2 layers type.
相关买家: 光纤交换机;
[TZ] [966817] 坦桑尼亚求购光纤熔接机(fiber fusion splicer) (11-28)
  i need you recommend me the cheaper one,the former fiber fusion splicer is too expensive.
相关买家: 光纤熔接机; fiber fusion splicer;
[AU] [966815] 澳大利亚求购模块和交换机(fiber switch and transceivers) (11-28)
  hi, please send me more details about your fiber switches and transceivers. thanks a lot.
相关买家: 交换机;
[AU] [966814] 澳大利亚求购10G XFP 80KM模块(10G XFP TRANSCEIVER 80KM) (11-28)
  Dear Damon, I've received your sample. But the 10G XFP TRANSCEIVER 80KM is not the one we need. It can not be compatible with HP. Thanks for your attempts. PM
[AU] [966813] 澳大利亚求购32口以太网交换机(32 ports ethernet switch) (11-28)
  hi damon,do you have the 32 ports ethernet switch? if so ,what is the price for 200 pieces? how about the guarantee time?
相关买家: 以太网交换机;
[AU] [966812] 澳大利亚求购百兆收发器 40KM(100M media converter 40km) (11-28)
  please send me the price as follows: 1.100M media converter 40km,single mode,sc connector
相关买家: 百兆收发器;
[AU] [966811] 澳大利亚求购fc-st 单工跳线 7米(fc-st patch cord simplex 7 meters) (11-28)
  looking forward to your price about the fc-st patch cord simplex 7 meters,500pieces.
相关买家: 单工跳线;
[AU] [966810] 澳大利亚求购光纤产品(fiber optic products) (11-28)
  glad to hear from you. here we just the reseller about the fiber optic products. you can send us the catalog first.
相关买家: 光纤产品; fiber optic products;
页码: 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129
[1-20] [21-40] [41-60] [61-80] [81-100] [101-120] [121-140] [141-160] [161-180] [181-200]
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